Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Smilie Poem
I enjoyed writing this poem because it let me be creative. I didn't like the fact that it had to be five lines because I find it difficult to say what I want to say in just five lines.
Science Expo Day
Last Wednesday (I think), we had a science expo. I did static electricity. I was working on my own. Well, I was supposed to go with someone (I'm not going to name and shame) but he had an idea which was too complicated, and since I'm a lazy person, I decided to go on my own. The reason why I chose my experiment is because it was very simple and fun. Sadly, were still a little mad at each other, but it's ok. But I was regretting abandoning that person on the expo day because another person, whom we shall name Bob, spilled water all over my experiment! And here's a fun fact for you: static electricity doesn't work when it's wet. But I managed to clean it up before the judge came. Luckily, by some incredibly lucky chance, the experiments worked perfectly in front of the judge, but not in front of the kids. And that was very bad event number one. So after hanging a sign, which said 'Out of order, I'm a flop,' and I leant over and got some of my apparatus in my eye. Which, of course, turned out to be pepper. Ugh! Then after explaining why my experiment was a flop about a zillion times, bad event number three happened. Well, it wasn't really bad, just unfortunate. Someone accidentally knocked my salt container and it broke. Luckily Mr Raven helped me clean it up and my parents weren't mad. Then we could go home after that. Yay!
So if I learnt anything from the Science Expo it's to get sick and to not come to school. And also to choose an experiment which actually works. Apart from the very bad events, I had fun and I could laugh it off later.
So if I learnt anything from the Science Expo it's to get sick and to not come to school. And also to choose an experiment which actually works. Apart from the very bad events, I had fun and I could laugh it off later.
Monday, 29 August 2016
hippo diary
The hippo diary was a very fun piece to write. I enjoyed writing it.
1 Feb
Today I found a hippo! My parents said I could keep him for 3 days to see how I cope with him. If I cope with him really well maybe we could keep him. I decided to name him Jerry. Tonight Jerry is going to sleep in our dog's old kennel. This is going to be great!
2 Feb
Good news or bad news first?
Okay, I'll start with the good news. Jerry is really really cute and I've taught him how to roll over and play dead.
Now for the bad news: He ate half of the garden, destroyed the couch, and because of all this, Mom's stomping around the kitchen in a mood. Oh bother.
3 Feb
We an keep Jerry! Yay! This was how it he convinced my parents to keep him...
At about three o'clock in the morning we heard a sound coming from the kitchen. It sounded like glass breaking. So my parents and I came running to the kitchen and found out the reason it sounded like glass breaking because it was glass breaking. Someone had smashed the window and broke into our house! Eek! We could see a trail of muddy footprints leading too...
"JERRY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Mom screeched at the top of her lungs. "Mum! Look!" I said. Jerry was lying across the floor but underneath him came a strange muffled sound. "Jerry! Roll over!" I commanded. He rolled over to reveal a squashed burglar. After that Mom and Dad decided to let me keep Jerry because he was such a great watch dog. Well, watch hippo maybe. Whatever, that doesn't matter! I have a pet hippo! Yipee!
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Ek wil myself onthou
My naam is Lauren. Ek wil jou or myself vertel. Ek speel hokkie an ek hou van blanderplankry. My gunsteling musiek is 'rock'. My gunsteling kleur is blou en oranje. My beste maats is Jodi, Courtney and Jessica. Ek hou van sushi. Dit is my gunsteling kos. My gunsteling TV program is 'Trace Urban'. Die lekkerste boek wat ek nog gesels het is 'St. Clare's', want dit is 'n baie oud boek. Die werk wat ek nog geseels het is 'n vlieneer.
Ek het baie doelwitte. Ek wil die A-span doelwagter vir hokkie wees. Ek wil oefen en werk baie hard. Ek wil lekker die piano speel want ek hou van musiek. Eendag ek sal Frankryk besoek en ek sal Franse te praat. Ek wil 'n 'YouTube' kanaal maar ek wil vliek gemaak.
Monday, 13 June 2016
Powerful Verb Poem Comments

I chose this topic because it is a very thrilling topic. It was hard coming up with powerful verbs. I enjoyed writing this poem.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Monday Morning.
Lauren, grade 5
It was a Monday morning. The teacher was droning on about something that felt too complicated for me to understand. Luckily I had a secret hoard of food under my desk. I quietly reached for a sweet and popped one in my mouth. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a paper jet. Some kids in my row had started to fly them around the classroom. One soared right past Mrs. Eagley's nose. Luckily she didn't notice. I started to crunch on a packet of chips. Suddenly Mrs Eagley looked up. "WHO IS EATING IN MY CLASS?!" She screamed. Then she looked right at me. "KAREN!" Oh dear.
It was a Monday morning. The teacher was droning on about something that felt too complicated for me to understand. Luckily I had a secret hoard of food under my desk. I quietly reached for a sweet and popped one in my mouth. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a paper jet. Some kids in my row had started to fly them around the classroom. One soared right past Mrs. Eagley's nose. Luckily she didn't notice. I started to crunch on a packet of chips. Suddenly Mrs Eagley looked up. "WHO IS EATING IN MY CLASS?!" She screamed. Then she looked right at me. "KAREN!" Oh dear.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
A Day in my Life
My name is Bean and I live in an informal settlement. Today I woke up really early to go to school. It was very dark and very gloomy that morning. And to add to that, I had to walk three kilometers in the rain on an empty stomach. So I trudged along the usual route I take, cutting my feet on litter.
Eventually I got to school. I was late, but I'm always late, so it made no difference. I slipped into the back of the class and sat down. The teacher was explaining something, but I couldn't hear her over the rain which was hammering down on the tin roof. So my mind began to wonder. I pictured my mom, dad and I in a house with running water, a warm bed and food. That would be WAY better than the shack we live in now. Our shack is made out of iron, which can either be scorching hot or freezing cold. It is a rather small and cramped shack with only a single bed. Another thing I don't like about being poor is that I'm hungry almost every day of my life.
Maybe one day I could get a job to earn money so that I won't have to live in an informal settlement anymore. I will not give up hope.
Eventually I got to school. I was late, but I'm always late, so it made no difference. I slipped into the back of the class and sat down. The teacher was explaining something, but I couldn't hear her over the rain which was hammering down on the tin roof. So my mind began to wonder. I pictured my mom, dad and I in a house with running water, a warm bed and food. That would be WAY better than the shack we live in now. Our shack is made out of iron, which can either be scorching hot or freezing cold. It is a rather small and cramped shack with only a single bed. Another thing I don't like about being poor is that I'm hungry almost every day of my life.
Maybe one day I could get a job to earn money so that I won't have to live in an informal settlement anymore. I will not give up hope.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
The Great Wall
The Recently, three people on tour met in China. They wanted to go to the Great Wall of China, but just didn't know how to get there. "I know!" said the man from India. "We could take the bus." "No, no!" said the British man. "They're way too dirty!" "How about a donkey?" Suggested the Pakistani man. "Oh deary me! Definitely not!" yelped the British man. "Might fall off and break a nail!" "Oh well, we'll have to walk then." said the Pakistani man. "Well you two have fun." "I'm going to go back to the hotel to drink tea." The others went to the Great Wall while he drank tea.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
100WC Challenge 1-Pizza Man
The deathly silence was interrupted by the loud grumbling of my friend's stomach. We were having a sleepover. We were anxiously waiting for the knock on the door. We looked at the clock. 7:10. Five minutes to go. Ages later, we checked it again. 7:11. A minute had passed. I stared down the dark hallway. Suddenly there was a knock. So I ran down the hallway to the front door. The door opened and there it was... My friends cheered! On the doorstep was a rather confused pizza man. So I collected the pizza and we all enjoyed our dinner.
Grade 5
Thursday, 3 March 2016
ILT was interesting
going to tell you about my experiences during ILT. It was pretty fun. I was
partners with Mbali and we did our project on a... drumroll please... elephant
shrew! Sadly some other groups were doing it too. But we still had fun! One of
our tasks was to do a poster. That was pretty cool. I made tiny little
shrews out of clay. We stuck them on the poster for decoration. After we
finished the poster we got told that we had to do an unprepared oral. Mbali and
I decided that we were going to be crazy scientists. The oral was
really fun. I think Mbali was a fantastic partner and she wasn’t irritating at
all. So there. Those are my experiences during ILT.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
My brand new blog!
I am very exited about my new blog. I am really looking forward to blogging throughout this year!
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